Sleep problems in children can happen at any time of the year, but they are particularly common in summer. The combination of warmer weather and lighter evenings can make it difficult for children to get to sleep and rest comfortably. However, there are a few things you can do to make it easier for children to sleep well.

Warm Weather

Sleep problems in children can happen at any time of the year, but they are particularly common in summer. The combination of warmer weather and lighter evenings can make it difficult for children to get to sleep and rest comfortably. However, there are a few things you can do to make it easier for children to sleep well.

  • Keeping the doors and windows open can help with heat related sleep problems in children, especially if you have a fan to keep the air moving.
  • Switching to lighter bedclothes and pyjamas can also make a big difference.
  • You might also want to try giving your child a cool bath before putting them to bed, especially if they’ve been running round and getting hot and sweaty all day.
  • Leaving a drink of water at the bedside is also a good idea, just in case your child wakes up thirsty during the night.
Longer Days

Another issue that can cause sleep problems in children in summertime is the longer days. It gets lighter much earlier, so kids can wake up sooner than you’d like. It also takes longer for the sun to go down in the evenings, which means that it can be very light at bedtime. Going to bed and getting to sleep can both be harder when it is still light outside.

The best way to combat the extra light during summertime is to make sure you have good quality blinds or curtains in your bedrooms. Thin drapes won’t be enough to keep the light out, but thick, lined curtains will keep the room much darker. A blackout blind can be an even better option as it won’t keep as much heat in the room. Just make sure that you measure your windows carefully so you can get blinds that are a perfect fit.

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