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Coping with a Sleep Disorder in Winter

Added On: January 30, 2020
By: Professor Parviz Habibi

Sleep problems can happen at any time of year but there are some specific issues that can arise when you’re trying to get a good night’s rest during the winter. If you find it hard to rest properly at this time of year then there are some tricks you can use to beat the winter […]

Is Air Pollution Affecting Your Asthma?

Added On: January 27, 2020
By: Professor Parviz Habibi

Air pollution is an issue that affects all of us, particularly when we live in big cities like London. However, for those of us who already have problems with our lungs, the impact can be much worse. What are the signs that your asthma is being affected by air pollution and what can you do […]

How to Stop Colds and Infections Spreading in Children?

Added On: January 1, 2020
By: Professor Parviz Habibi

Colds and infections are very common in children especially during the winter months. It is very easy for germs to spread in coughs and sneezes or when they are left behind on toys at playgroups or schools. It isn’t possible to stop the spread of colds altogether but there are some steps you can take […]